News & views.

A collection of stories about data, public opinion and politics and news about our firm.

Issue priorities reflect deeper values
Opinion Research Andrew Sullivan Opinion Research Andrew Sullivan

Issue priorities reflect deeper values

Our analysis revealed that:  

  • Inflation and housing costs—the most critical concerns across all voters—reinforced Trump's message of restoring economic security.

  • Crime and immigration played into Trump's emphasis on personal safety and border control.

  • Reproductive rights remained secondary to economic stability for most voters.

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Our most basic needs
Campaign Strategy Andrew Sullivan Campaign Strategy Andrew Sullivan

Our most basic needs

American psychologist Abraham Maslow saw humans’ needs arranged like a pyramid, from basic survival at the base—food, safety, and stability—to higher-order aspirations like respect and freedom. Trump’s campaign capitalized on voters’ immediate, existential concerns at the hierarchy’s foundation: economic security, personal safety, and jobs.

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Storytelling wins elections
Communications Andrew Sullivan Communications Andrew Sullivan

Storytelling wins elections

Successful campaigns define clear, emotionally resonant narratives. For Republicans, cultural grievance and preserving the status quo were central themes. These narratives tapped into fear and frustration with societal and economic change.

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Communicating about climate: The challenge of changing public opinion
Opinion Research Andrew Sullivan Opinion Research Andrew Sullivan

Communicating about climate: The challenge of changing public opinion

new report from Stanford University and Resources for the Future dives deeply into Americans' views on climate change. While 75 percent of Americans acknowledge that the earth has been warming over the past century, this figure is down from 83 percent in 2020—reflecting a subtle shift in public perception. Overall, attitudes on climate have been remarkably stable.

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AI and the Pursuit of Ethical Clarity
Communications Andrew Sullivan Communications Andrew Sullivan

AI and the Pursuit of Ethical Clarity

Some may still argue that such lofty concepts are inconsistent with the fast pace of AI development and a highly competitive market environment. That it’s too much to ask of highly competitive companies in a fight for talent and market share; their leaders do not have time for abstraction and existential thinking.

In response, I would suggest the incongruous Jesuit watchword of “contemplative action” as a guiding principle. Discerning leaders engage their intellects as they go about doing their work, even when crises press upon them. It’s a high bar to set—Kennedy level leadership—but the challenge of artificial intelligence demands it.

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Predicting Earthquakes—and Presidential Elections
Andrew Sullivan Andrew Sullivan

Predicting Earthquakes—and Presidential Elections

Anxiety-inducing horse-race presidential polls are everywhere. So, take a deep breath and remember: polls are a snapshot, not predictive. Gallup, the gold standard in opinion research, had Carter beating Reagan by eight points just weeks before the 1980 election; Dukakis beating Bush by 18 points in the summer of 1988; and Romney beating Obama in their final poll of November 2012.

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Where have you gone, Greatest Generation?
Opinion Research Andrew Sullivan Opinion Research Andrew Sullivan

Where have you gone, Greatest Generation?

We're fascinated by a paper published last fall that studies the decline in support for democracy in the United States between 1995 to 2019. The results show a clear pattern of generational decline, with each successive birth cohort since the 1940s being less supportive of democracy than the previous one.

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Lessons from a California land-grab
Campaign Strategy Andrew Sullivan Campaign Strategy Andrew Sullivan

Lessons from a California land-grab

Razor-sharp reporter Gil Duran has a must-read article on the "bumbling and villainous" effort to build a new city in rural California. The effort would be laughable—and not just for its name, California Forever, which Duran likens to a celebrity cemetery—if it weren't a possible beachhead for a libertarian movement to create "network states" outside the reach of democratic nation-states.

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How Good is Your Eye? Discernment in Politics
Communications Andrew Sullivan Communications Andrew Sullivan

How Good is Your Eye? Discernment in Politics

While discernment originates from a spiritual context, it applies to other areas, especially politics. And that’s why assessing a political leader’s ability to discern—how good is her eye?—can help us better understand the thought process that sets apart our most skilled politicians.

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