News & views.

A collection of stories about data, public opinion and politics and news about our firm.

Florence Nightingale, Visual Storyteller
Communications Andrew Sullivan Communications Andrew Sullivan

Florence Nightingale, Visual Storyteller

A new book on Florence Nightingale reveals how the 19th century nurse, social reformer and statistician made the case for health reforms in the British Army. Author RJ Andrews describes how Nightingale "designed graphics to attract attention and engage readers in ways other media could not."

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Progressive DAs and a San Francisco Misread
Communications Andrew Sullivan Communications Andrew Sullivan

Progressive DAs and a San Francisco Misread

The ever-incisive reporter and political strategist Gil Duran points out that Boudin was a scapegoat for a complex set of problems cities across the country are confronting. His recall reflects San Franciscans' anger over homelessness, mental illness and visible poverty – but not their opposition to justice system reform.

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Our Latest Favorite Podcasts
Communications Andrew Sullivan Communications Andrew Sullivan

Our Latest Favorite Podcasts

Podcasting's golden age has continued through the pandemic. Seventy-eight percent of Americans are familiar with podcasting – up from 22 percent in 2006 – and more than 40 percent of Americans report having listened to a podcast in the past month.

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What 2020 Teaches Us for 2021
Communications Amber Ott Communications Amber Ott

What 2020 Teaches Us for 2021

We are fast approaching a full year of living with a global pandemic. A year full of disruption and tragedy — but also change. Our lives have changed in profound ways, and so has our politics and the ways we communicate. This is our effort at taking stock of this change. It’s our effort at making sense of 2020 and extracting lessons as we turn the page to a new chapter of the American experience.

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Mayors on the Frontline
Communications Andrew Sullivan Communications Andrew Sullivan

Mayors on the Frontline

Mayors are at the leading edge of the most important social and economic issues of our times: coordinating response to COVID-19 in the country's hardest hit places; engaging with a new movement for racial justice which is as impassioned as any we've seen in a generation; and balancing budgets that demand painful choices.

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Leadership Lessons from the         Coronavirus Crisis
Communications Amber Ott Communications Amber Ott

Leadership Lessons from the Coronavirus Crisis

We’ve settled on several examples of crisis leadership which we find most instructive. These span different areas of civil society: business, government and NGOs alike. Our analysis suggests crisis leadership falls into three broad categories: preparing for a crisis, managing through a crisis and seizing opportunity in a crisis.

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What the New York Times Democratic Primary Endorsement Got Wrong
Communications Andrew Sullivan Communications Andrew Sullivan

What the New York Times Democratic Primary Endorsement Got Wrong

The New York Times editorial board came under criticism for its dual endorsement of senators Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar. What bothers us about the editorial has nothing to do with their choice, but with an introductory statement that suggests the board misunderstands public opinion research and its value. Amber's letter to the editor breaks it down.

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Governor Newsom At History’s Edge
Communications Amber Ott Communications Amber Ott

Governor Newsom At History’s Edge

We’re at an historic moment, but historic moments haven’t fazed Gavin Newsom in the past. It’s hard to miss the parallel between the energy and fire crisis with same-sex marriage in 2004, when San Francisco Mayor Newsom put himself at the edge of a national civil rights movement.

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The Power of Clear Writing
Communications Andrew Sullivan Communications Andrew Sullivan

The Power of Clear Writing

"A masterpiece of precise bureaucratic prose," writes Eric Lach of the New Yorker, describing the whistleblower complaint that has shaken American politics. What's so good about it? Jane Rosenzweig of the Harvard College Writing Center breaks it down.

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When writing reveals character
Communications Andrew Sullivan Communications Andrew Sullivan

When writing reveals character

We can learn a lot from Eisenhower's writing, which is spare, concise and stripped of the passive voice. Even his edits are instructive. He assumes responsibility for the campaign and uses language that ordinary people can understand. "This particular operation" becomes "my decision to attack."

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The Role of Data Visualization in Media
Communications Andrew Sullivan Communications Andrew Sullivan

The Role of Data Visualization in Media

It's not an easy watch, but we highly recommend this multimedia analysis by Vox on America's gun violence epidemic. It's among the most effective examples of data visualization we've seen. The straightforward charts, videos and hand-edits are central to the piece's argument, not distractions or add-ons.

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