Andrew Sullivan

Andrew Sullivan Bio Photo

Andrew applies his experience in politics and business to direct campaigns that blend research, media and grassroots strategies.

Andrew considers his time as a field organizer for John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign a formative experience. It taught him the best way to understand politics in America is at the community level.

His work at New York’s leading business group during the financial crisis reinforced this view. It also revealed the complexity of leading and communicating across business and government sectors in an era of declining trust in institutions.

As a public affairs and political strategist, Andrew has honed a view of the traits the best-run campaigns share. These include a commitment to make decisions based on data, not intuition; the expertise to distill messages which move people at a values level; the tools and skill to reach audiences where they are, blending tactics old and new; and the judgment and poise to separate problems du jour from crises.

Andrew is a graduate of Georgetown University and the Harvard Kennedy School.